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H.1 Process list

When requesting the process list, the annex field in the ‘qXfer’ request should be ‘processes’. The returned data is an XML document. The formal syntax of this document is defined in gdb/features/osdata.dtd.

An example document is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE target SYSTEM "osdata.dtd">
<osdata type="processes">
    <column name="pid">1</column>
    <column name="user">root</column>
    <column name="command">/sbin/init</column>
    <column name="cores">1,2,3</column>

Each item should include a column whose name is ‘pid’. The value of that column should identify the process on the target. The ‘user’ and ‘command’ columns are optional, and will be displayed by ROCGDB. The ‘cores’ column, if present, should contain a comma-separated list of cores that this process is running on. Target may provide additional columns, which ROCGDB currently ignores.