.. _tblgen-mirpats: ======================== MIR Patterns in TableGen ======================== .. contents:: :local: User's Guide ============ This section is intended for developers who want to use MIR patterns in their TableGen files. ``NOTE``: This feature is still in active development. This document may become outdated over time. If you see something that's incorrect, please update it. Use Cases --------- MIR patterns are supported in the following places: * GlobalISel ``GICombineRule`` * GlobalISel ``GICombinePatFrag`` Syntax ------ MIR patterns use the DAG datatype in TableGen. .. code-block:: text (inst operand0, operand1, ...) ``inst`` must be a def which inherits from ``Instruction`` (e.g. ``G_FADD``) or ``GICombinePatFrag``. Operands essentially fall into one of two categories: * immediates * untyped, unnamed: ``0`` * untyped, named: ``0:$y`` * typed, unnamed: ``(i32 0)`` * typed, named: ``(i32 0):$y`` * machine operands * untyped: ``$x`` * typed: ``i32:$x`` Semantics: * A typed operand always adds an operand type check to the matcher. * There is a trivial type inference system to propagate types. * e.g. You only need to use ``i32:$x`` once in any pattern of a ``GICombinePatFrag`` alternative or ``GICombineRule``, then all other patterns in that rule/alternative can simply use ``$x`` (``i32:$x`` is redundant). * A named operand's behavior depends on whether the name has been seen before. * For match patterns, reusing an operand name checks that the operands are identical (see example 2 below). * For apply patterns, reusing an operand name simply copies that operand into the new instruction (see example 2 below). Operands are ordered just like they would be in a MachineInstr: the defs (outs) come first, then the uses (ins). Patterns are generally grouped into another DAG datatype with a dummy operator such as ``match``, ``apply`` or ``pattern``. Finally, any DAG datatype in TableGen can be named. This also holds for patterns. e.g. the following is valid: ``(G_FOO $root, (i32 0):$cst):$mypat``. This may also be helpful to debug issues. Patterns are *always* named, and if they don't have a name, an "anonymous" one is given to them. If you're trying to debug an error related to a MIR pattern, but the error mentions an anonymous pattern, you can try naming your patterns to see exactly where the issue is. .. code-block:: text :caption: Pattern Example 1 // Match // %imp = G_IMPLICIT_DEF // %root = G_MUL %x, %imp (match (G_IMPLICIT_DEF $imp), (G_MUL $root, $x, $imp)) .. code-block:: text :caption: Pattern Example 2 // using $x twice here checks that the operand 1 and 2 of the G_AND are // identical. (match (G_AND $root, $x, $x)) // using $x again here copies operand 1 from G_AND into the new inst. (apply (COPY $root, $x)) Types ----- ValueType ~~~~~~~~~ Subclasses of ``ValueType`` are valid types, e.g. ``i32``. GITypeOf ~~~~~~~~ ``GITypeOf<"$x">`` is a ``GISpecialType`` that allows for the creation of a register or immediate with the same type as another (register) operand. Operand: * An operand name as a string, prefixed by ``$``. Semantics: * Can only appear in an 'apply' pattern. * The operand name used must appear in the 'match' pattern of the same ``GICombineRule``. .. code-block:: text :caption: Example: Immediate def mul_by_neg_one: GICombineRule < (defs root:$root), (match (G_MUL $dst, $x, -1)), (apply (G_SUB $dst, (GITypeOf<"$x"> 0), $x)) >; .. code-block:: text :caption: Example: Temp Reg def Test0 : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_FMUL $dst, $src, -1)), (apply (G_FSUB $dst, $src, $tmp), (G_FNEG GITypeOf<"$dst">:$tmp, $src))>; Builtin Operations ------------------ MIR Patterns also offer builtin operations, also called "builtin instructions". They offer some powerful features that would otherwise require use of C++ code. GIReplaceReg ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: text :caption: Usage (apply (GIReplaceReg $old, $new)) Operands: * ``$old`` (out) register defined by a matched instruction * ``$new`` (in) register Semantics: * Can only appear in an 'apply' pattern. * If both old/new are operands of matched instructions, ``canReplaceReg`` is checked before applying the rule. GIEraseRoot ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: text :caption: Usage (apply (GIEraseRoot)) Semantics: * Can only appear as the only pattern of an 'apply' pattern list. * The root cannot have any output operands. * The root must be a CodeGenInstruction Instruction Flags ----------------- MIR Patterns support both matching & writing ``MIFlags``. .. code-block:: text :caption: Example def Test : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_FOO $dst, $src, (MIFlags FmNoNans, FmNoInfs))), (apply (G_BAR $dst, $src, (MIFlags FmReassoc)))>; In ``apply`` patterns, we also support referring to a matched instruction to "take" its MIFlags. .. code-block:: text :caption: Example ; We match NoNans/NoInfs, but $zext may have more flags. ; Copy them all into the output instruction, and set Reassoc on the output inst. def TestCpyFlags : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_FOO $dst, $src, (MIFlags FmNoNans, FmNoInfs)):$zext), (apply (G_BAR $dst, $src, (MIFlags $zext, FmReassoc)))>; The ``not`` operator can be used to check that a flag is NOT present on a matched instruction, and to remove a flag from a generated instruction. .. code-block:: text :caption: Example ; We match NoInfs but we don't want NoNans/Reassoc to be set. $zext may have more flags. ; Copy them all into the output instruction but remove NoInfs on the output inst. def TestNot : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_FOO $dst, $src, (MIFlags FmNoInfs, (not FmNoNans, FmReassoc))):$zext), (apply (G_BAR $dst, $src, (MIFlags $zext, (not FmNoInfs))))>; Limitations ----------- This a non-exhaustive list of known issues with MIR patterns at this time. * Matching intrinsics is not yet possible. * Using ``GICombinePatFrag`` within another ``GICombinePatFrag`` is not supported. * ``GICombinePatFrag`` can only have a single root. * Instructions with multiple defs cannot be the root of a ``GICombinePatFrag``. * Using ``GICombinePatFrag`` in the ``apply`` pattern of a ``GICombineRule`` is not supported. * We cannot rewrite a matched instruction other than the root. * Matching/creating a (CImm) immediate >64 bits is not supported (see comment in ``GIM_CheckConstantInt``) * There is currently no way to constrain two register/immediate types to match. e.g. if a pattern needs to work on both i32 and i64, you either need to leave it untyped and check the type in C++, or duplicate the pattern. GICombineRule ------------- MIR patterns can appear in the ``match`` or ``apply`` patterns of a ``GICombineRule``. The ``root`` of the rule can either be a def of an instruction, or a named pattern. The latter is helpful when the instruction you want to match has no defs. The former is generally preferred because it's less verbose. .. code-block:: text :caption: Combine Rule root is a def // Fold x op 1 -> x def right_identity_one: GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_MUL $dst, $x, 1)), // Note: Patterns always need to create something, we can't just replace $dst with $x, so we need a COPY. (apply (COPY $dst, $x)) >; .. code-block:: text :caption: Combine Rule root is a named pattern def Foo : GICombineRule< (defs root:$root), (match (G_ZEXT $tmp, (i32 0)), (G_STORE $tmp, $ptr):$root), (apply (G_STORE (i32 0), $ptr):$root)>; Combine Rules also allow mixing C++ code with MIR patterns, so that you may perform additional checks when matching, or run additional code after rewriting a pattern. The following expansions are available for MIR patterns: * operand names (``MachineOperand &``) * pattern names (``MachineInstr *`` for ``match``, ``MachineInstrBuilder &`` for apply) .. code-block:: text :caption: Example C++ Expansions def Foo : GICombineRule< (defs root:$root), (match (G_ZEXT $root, $src):$mi), (apply "foobar(${root}.getReg(), ${src}.getReg(), ${mi}->hasImplicitDef())")>; Common Pattern #1: Replace a Register with Another ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 'apply' pattern must always redefine all operands defined by the match root. Sometimes, we do not need to create instructions, simply replace a def with another matched register. The ``GIReplaceReg`` builtin can do just that. .. code-block:: text def Foo : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_FNEG $tmp, $src), (G_FNEG $dst, $tmp)), (apply (GIReplaceReg $dst, $src))>; This also works if the replacement register is a temporary register from the ``apply`` pattern. .. code-block:: text def ReplaceTemp : GICombineRule< (defs root:$a), (match (G_BUILD_VECTOR $tmp, $x, $y), (G_UNMERGE_VALUES $a, $b, $tmp)), (apply (G_UNMERGE_VALUES $a, i32:$new, $y), (GIReplaceReg $b, $new))> Common Pattern #2: Erasing a Def-less Root ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If we simply want to erase a def-less match root, we can use the ``GIEraseRoot`` builtin. .. code-block:: text def Foo : GICombineRule< (defs root:$mi), (match (G_STORE $a, $b):$mi), (apply (GIEraseRoot))>; Common Pattern #3: Emitting a Constant Value ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When an immediate operand appears in an 'apply' pattern, the behavior depends on whether it's typed or not. * If the immediate is typed, ``MachineIRBuilder::buildConstant`` is used to create a ``G_CONSTANT``. A ``G_BUILD_VECTOR`` will be used for vectors. * If the immediate is untyped, a simple immediate is added (``MachineInstrBuilder::addImm``). There is of course a special case for ``G_CONSTANT``. Immediates for ``G_CONSTANT`` must always be typed, and a CImm is added (``MachineInstrBuilder::addCImm``). .. code-block:: text :caption: Constant Emission Examples: // Example output: // %0 = G_CONSTANT i32 0 // %dst = COPY %0 def Foo : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_FOO $dst, $src)), (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>; // Example output: // %dst = COPY 0 // Note that this would be ill-formed because COPY // expects a register operand! def Bar : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_FOO $dst, $src)), (apply (COPY $dst, (i32 0)))>; // Example output: // %dst = G_CONSTANT i32 0 def Bux : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (G_FOO $dst, $src)), (apply (G_CONSTANT $dst, (i32 0)))>; GICombinePatFrag ---------------- ``GICombinePatFrag`` is an equivalent of ``PatFrags`` for MIR patterns. They have two main usecases: * Reduce repetition by creating a ``GICombinePatFrag`` for common patterns (see example 1). * Implicitly duplicate a CombineRule for multiple variants of a pattern (see example 2). A ``GICombinePatFrag`` is composed of three elements: * zero or more ``in`` (def) parameter * zero or more ``out`` parameter * A list of MIR patterns that can match. * When a ``GICombinePatFrag`` is used within a pattern, the pattern is cloned once for each alternative that can match. Parameters can have the following types: * ``gi_mo``, which is the implicit default (no type = ``gi_mo``). * Refers to any operand of an instruction (register, BB ref, imm, etc.). * Can be used in both ``in`` and ``out`` parameters. * Users of the PatFrag can only use an operand name for this parameter (e.g. ``(my_pat_frag $foo)``). * ``root`` * This is identical to ``gi_mo``. * Can only be used in ``out`` parameters to declare the root of the pattern. * Non-empty ``out`` parameter lists must always have exactly one ``root``. * ``gi_imm`` * Refers to an (potentially typed) immediate. * Can only be used in ``in`` parameters. * Users of the PatFrag can only use an immediate for this parameter (e.g. ``(my_pat_frag 0)`` or ``(my_pat_frag (i32 0))``) ``out`` operands can only be empty if the ``GICombinePatFrag`` only contains C++ code. If the fragment contains instruction patterns, it has to have at least one ``out`` operand of type ``root``. ``in`` operands are less restricted, but there is one important concept to remember: you can pass "unbound" operand names, but only if the ``GICombinePatFrag`` binds it. See example 3 below. ``GICombinePatFrag`` are used just like any other instructions. Note that the ``out`` operands are defs, so they come first in the list of operands. .. code-block:: text :caption: Example 1: Reduce Repetition def zext_cst : GICombinePatFrag<(outs root:$dst, $cst), (ins gi_imm:$val), [(pattern (G_CONSTANT $cst, $val), (G_ZEXT $dst, $cst))] >; def foo_to_impdef : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (zext_cst $y, $cst, (i32 0)) (G_FOO $dst, $y)), (apply (G_IMPLICIT_DEF $dst))>; def store_ext_zero : GICombineRule< (defs root:$root), (match (zext_cst $y, $cst, (i32 0)) (G_STORE $y, $ptr):$root), (apply (G_STORE $cst, $ptr):$root)>; .. code-block:: text :caption: Example 2: Generate Multiple Rules at Once // Fold (freeze (freeze x)) -> (freeze x). // Fold (fabs (fabs x)) -> (fabs x). // Fold (fcanonicalize (fcanonicalize x)) -> (fcanonicalize x). def idempotent_prop_frags : GICombinePatFrag<(outs root:$dst, $src), (ins), [ (pattern (G_FREEZE $dst, $src), (G_FREEZE $src, $x)), (pattern (G_FABS $dst, $src), (G_FABS $src, $x)), (pattern (G_FCANONICALIZE $dst, $src), (G_FCANONICALIZE $src, $x)) ] >; def idempotent_prop : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (idempotent_prop_frags $dst, $src)), (apply (COPY $dst, $src))>; .. code-block:: text :caption: Example 3: Unbound Operand Names // This fragment binds $x to an operand in all of its // alternative patterns. def always_binds : GICombinePatFrag< (outs root:$dst), (ins $x), [ (pattern (G_FREEZE $dst, $x)), (pattern (G_FABS $dst, $x)), ] >; // This fragment does not bind $x to an operand in any // of its alternative patterns. def does_not_bind : GICombinePatFrag< (outs root:$dst), (ins $x), [ (pattern (G_FREEZE $dst, $x)), // binds $x (pattern (G_FOO $dst (i32 0))), // does not bind $x (pattern "return myCheck(${x}.getReg())"), // does not bind $x ] >; // Here we pass $x, which is unbound, to always_binds. // This works because if $x is unbound, always_binds will bind it for us. def test0 : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (always_binds $dst, $x)), (apply (COPY $dst, $x))>; // Here we pass $x, which is unbound, to does_not_bind. // This cannot work because $x may not have been initialized in 'apply'. // error: operand 'x' (for parameter 'src' of 'does_not_bind') cannot be unbound def test1 : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (does_not_bind $dst, $x)), (apply (COPY $dst, $x))>; // Here we pass $x, which is bound, to does_not_bind. // This is fine because $x will always be bound when emitting does_not_bind def test2 : GICombineRule< (defs root:$dst), (match (does_not_bind $tmp, $x) (G_MUL $dst, $x, $tmp)), (apply (COPY $dst, $x))>;