Contribute to rocSOLVER#


AMD welcomes contributions from the community. Whether those contributions are bug reports, bug fixes, documentation additions, performance notes, or other improvements, we value collaboration with our users. We can build better solutions together.

Submitting a Pull Request#

To contribute changes to rocSOLVER, open a pull request targeting the develop branch. Pull requests will be tested and reviewed by the AMD development team. AMD may request changes or modify the submission before acceptance.

Interface requirements#

The public interface must be:

  • C99 compatible

  • Source and binary compatible with previous releases

  • Fully documented with Doxygen and Sphinx

All identifiers in the public headers must be prefixed with rocblas, ROCBLAS, rocsolver, or ROCSOLVER.

All user-visible symbols must be prefixed with rocblas or rocsolver.

Style guide#

In general, follow the style of the surrounding code. All code is auto-formatted using clang-format. To apply the rocsolver formatting, run clang-format -i -style=file <files> on any files you’ve changed. You can install git hooks to do this automatically upon commit by running scripts/install-hooks –get-clang-format. If you find you’d rather not use the hooks, they can be removed using scripts/uninstall-hooks.


To run the rocSOLVER test suite, first build the rocSOLVER test client following the instructions in the Installation section. Then, run the rocsolver-test binary. For a typical build, the test binary will be found at ./build/release/clients/staging/rocsolver-test.

The full test suite is quite large and may take a long time to complete, so passing a –gtest_filter=<pattern> option to rocsolver-test may be useful during development. A fast subset of tests can be run with –gtest_filter=’checkin*’, while the extended tests can be run with –gtest_filter=’daily*’.

Rejected contributions#

Unfortunately, sometimes a contribution cannot be accepted. The rationale for a decision may or may not be disclosed.