rocprofv2 command help#
Obtain command line help by typing the following:
rocprofv2 -h
This returns the following information:
ROCProfilerV2 Run Script Usage:
-h | --help For showing this message
--list-counters For showing all available counters for the current GPUs
-m For providing an absolute path of a custom metrics file
--basenames For Truncating the kernel names
--hip-api For Collecting HIP API Traces
--hip-activity | --hip-trace For Collecting HIP API Activities Traces
--hsa-api For Collecting HSA API Traces
--hsa-activity | --hsa-trace For Collecting HSA API Activities Traces
--roctx-trace For Collecting ROCTx Traces
--kernel-trace For Collecting Kernel dispatch Traces
--sys-trace For Collecting HIP and HSA APIs and their Activities Traces along ROCTX and Kernel Dispatch traces
#usage e.g: rocprofv2 --[hip-trace|hsa-trace|roctx-trace|kernel-trace|sys-trace] <executable>
--plugin PLUGIN_NAME For enabling a plugin (cli/file/perfetto/ctf)
# usage(file/perfetto/ctf) e.g: rocprofv2 -i pmc.txt --plugin [file/perfetto/ctf] -d out_dir <executable>
--plugin-version <1|2> For selecting the version for the plugin (1/2)
# 1 - Legacy output format, 2 - New output format (default)
-i | --input For adding counters file path (every line in the text file represents a counter)
# usage: rocprofv2 -i pmc.txt -d <executable>
-o | --output-file-name For the output file name
# usage e.g:(with current dir): rocprofv2 --hip-trace -o <file_name> <executable>
# usage e.g:(with custom dir): rocprofv2 --hip-trace -d <out_dir> -o <file_name> <executable>
-d | --output-directory For adding output path where the output files will be saved
# usage e.g:(with custom dir): rocprofv2 --hip-trace -d <out_dir> <executable>
-fi | --flush-interval For adding a flush interval in milliseconds, every "flush interval" the buffers will be flushed
# usage e.g: rocprofv2 --hip-trace -fi 1000 <executable>
-tp | --trace-period Specifies a trace period in milliseconds, with format "-tp <DELAY>:<ACTIVE_TIME>:<LOOP_RESET_TIME>".
# usage e.g: rocprofv2 --hip-trace -tp 1000:2000:4000 <executable>