HIP Runtime API Reference: HIP API
Collaboration diagram for HIP API:


 Initialization and Version
 Device Management
 Execution Control
 Error Handling
 Stream Management
 Event Management
 Memory Management
 PeerToPeer Device Memory Access
 Context Management
 Module Management
 Profiler Control[Deprecated]
 Launch API to support the triple-chevron syntax
 Texture Management


unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasGlobalInt32Atomics: 1
 32-bit integer atomics for global memory. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasGlobalFloatAtomicExch: 1
 32-bit float atomic exch for global memory. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSharedInt32Atomics: 1
 32-bit integer atomics for shared memory. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSharedFloatAtomicExch: 1
 32-bit float atomic exch for shared memory. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasFloatAtomicAdd: 1
 32-bit float atomic add in global and shared memory. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasGlobalInt64Atomics: 1
 64-bit integer atomics for global memory. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSharedInt64Atomics: 1
 64-bit integer atomics for shared memory. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasDoubles: 1
 Double-precision floating point. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasWarpVote: 1
 Warp vote instructions (__any, __all). More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasWarpBallot: 1
 Warp ballot instructions (__ballot). More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasWarpShuffle: 1
 Warp shuffle operations. (__shfl_*). More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasFunnelShift: 1
 Funnel two words into one with shift&mask caps. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasThreadFenceSystem: 1
 __threadfence_system. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSyncThreadsExt: 1
 __syncthreads_count, syncthreads_and, syncthreads_or. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSurfaceFuncs: 1
 Surface functions. More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::has3dGrid: 1
 Grid and group dims are 3D (rather than 2D). More...
unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasDynamicParallelism: 1
 Dynamic parallelism. More...
char hipDeviceProp_t::name [256]
 Device name. More...
size_t hipDeviceProp_t::totalGlobalMem
 Size of global memory region (in bytes). More...
size_t hipDeviceProp_t::sharedMemPerBlock
 Size of shared memory region (in bytes). More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::regsPerBlock
 Registers per block. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::warpSize
 Warp size. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::maxThreadsPerBlock
 Max work items per work group or workgroup max size. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::maxThreadsDim [3]
 Max number of threads in each dimension (XYZ) of a block. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::maxGridSize [3]
 Max grid dimensions (XYZ). More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::clockRate
 Max clock frequency of the multiProcessors in khz. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::memoryClockRate
 Max global memory clock frequency in khz. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::memoryBusWidth
 Global memory bus width in bits. More...
size_t hipDeviceProp_t::totalConstMem
 Size of shared memory region (in bytes). More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::major
int hipDeviceProp_t::minor
int hipDeviceProp_t::multiProcessorCount
 Number of multi-processors (compute units). More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::l2CacheSize
 L2 cache size. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor
 Maximum resident threads per multi-processor. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::computeMode
 Compute mode. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::clockInstructionRate
hipDeviceArch_t hipDeviceProp_t::arch
 Architectural feature flags. New for HIP. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::concurrentKernels
 Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::pciDomainID
 PCI Domain ID. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::pciBusID
 PCI Bus ID. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::pciDeviceID
 PCI Device ID. More...
size_t hipDeviceProp_t::maxSharedMemoryPerMultiProcessor
 Maximum Shared Memory Per Multiprocessor. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::isMultiGpuBoard
 1 if device is on a multi-GPU board, 0 if not. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::canMapHostMemory
 Check whether HIP can map host memory. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::gcnArch
 DEPRECATED: use gcnArchName instead. More...
char hipDeviceProp_t::gcnArchName [256]
 AMD GCN Arch Name. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::integrated
 APU vs dGPU. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeLaunch
 HIP device supports cooperative launch. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch
 HIP device supports cooperative launch on multiple devices. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::maxTexture1DLinear
 Maximum size for 1D textures bound to linear memory. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::maxTexture1D
 Maximum number of elements in 1D images. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::maxTexture2D [2]
 Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2D images, in image elements. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::maxTexture3D [3]
 Maximum dimensions (width, height, depth) of 3D images, in image elements. More...
unsigned int * hipDeviceProp_t::hdpMemFlushCntl
 Addres of HDP_MEM_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register. More...
unsigned int * hipDeviceProp_t::hdpRegFlushCntl
 Addres of HDP_REG_COHERENCY_FLUSH_CNTL register. More...
size_t hipDeviceProp_t::memPitch
 Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies. More...
size_t hipDeviceProp_t::textureAlignment
 Alignment requirement for textures. More...
size_t hipDeviceProp_t::texturePitchAlignment
 Pitch alignment requirement for texture references bound to pitched memory. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::kernelExecTimeoutEnabled
 Run time limit for kernels executed on the device. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::ECCEnabled
 Device has ECC support enabled. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::tccDriver
 1:If device is Tesla device using TCC driver, else 0 More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc
int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim
int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim
int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem
int hipDeviceProp_t::isLargeBar
 1: if it is a large PCI bar device, else 0 More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::asicRevision
 Revision of the GPU in this device. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::managedMemory
 Device supports allocating managed memory on this system. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::directManagedMemAccessFromHost
 Host can directly access managed memory on the device without migration. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::concurrentManagedAccess
 Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with the CPU. More...
int hipDeviceProp_t::pageableMemoryAccess
int hipDeviceProp_t::pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables
 Device accesses pageable memory via the host's page tables. More...
enum hipMemoryType hipPointerAttribute_t::memoryType
int hipPointerAttribute_t::device
void * hipPointerAttribute_t::devicePointer
void * hipPointerAttribute_t::hostPointer
int hipPointerAttribute_t::isManaged
unsigned hipPointerAttribute_t::allocationFlags
 hipSuccess = 0
 Successful completion. More...
 hipErrorInvalidValue = 1
 hipErrorOutOfMemory = 2
 hipErrorMemoryAllocation = 2
 Memory allocation error. More...
 hipErrorNotInitialized = 3
 hipErrorInitializationError = 3
 hipErrorDeinitialized = 4
 hipErrorProfilerDisabled = 5
 hipErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6
 hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7
 hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8
 hipErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9
 hipErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12
 hipErrorInvalidSymbol = 13
 hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17
 Invalid Device Pointer. More...
 hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21
 Invalid memory copy direction. More...
 hipErrorInsufficientDriver = 35
 hipErrorMissingConfiguration = 52
 hipErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53
 hipErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98
 hipErrorNoDevice = 100
 Call to hipGetDeviceCount returned 0 devices. More...
 hipErrorInvalidDevice = 101
 DeviceID must be in range 0...#compute-devices. More...
 hipErrorInvalidImage = 200
 hipErrorInvalidContext = 201
 Produced when input context is invalid. More...
 hipErrorContextAlreadyCurrent = 202
 hipErrorMapFailed = 205
 hipErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205
 Produced when the IPC memory attach failed from ROCr. More...
 hipErrorUnmapFailed = 206
 hipErrorArrayIsMapped = 207
 hipErrorAlreadyMapped = 208
 hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu = 209
 hipErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210
 hipErrorNotMapped = 211
 hipErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212
 hipErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213
 hipErrorECCNotCorrectable = 214
 hipErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215
 hipErrorContextAlreadyInUse = 216
 hipErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217
 hipErrorInvalidKernelFile = 218
 hipErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219
 hipErrorInvalidSource = 300
 hipErrorFileNotFound = 301
 hipErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302
 hipErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303
 hipErrorOperatingSystem = 304
 hipErrorInvalidHandle = 400
 hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400
 Resource handle (hipEvent_t or hipStream_t) invalid. More...
 hipErrorIllegalState = 401
 Resource required is not in a valid state to perform operation. More...
 hipErrorNotFound = 500
 hipErrorNotReady = 600
 hipErrorIllegalAddress = 700
 hipErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701
 Out of resources error. More...
 hipErrorLaunchTimeOut = 702
 Peer access was already enabled from the current device. More...
 Peer access was never enabled from the current device. More...
 hipErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708
 hipErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709
 hipErrorAssert = 710
 Produced when the kernel calls assert. More...
 Produced when trying to lock a page-locked memory. More...
 Produced when trying to unlock a non-page-locked memory. More...
 An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel. More...
 hipErrorNotSupported = 801
 Produced when the hip API is not supported/implemented. More...
 hipErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900
 hipErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901
 hipErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902
 hipErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903
 The capture was not initiated in this stream. More...
 hipErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904
 hipErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905
 hipErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906
 hipErrorCapturedEvent = 907
 hipErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908
 hipErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure = 910
 hipErrorUnknown = 999
 hipErrorRuntimeMemory = 1052
 hipErrorRuntimeOther = 1053
char hipIpcMemHandle_t::reserved [HIP_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE]
char hipIpcEventHandle_t::reserved [HIP_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE]
int hipFuncAttributes::binaryVersion
int hipFuncAttributes::cacheModeCA
size_t hipFuncAttributes::constSizeBytes
size_t hipFuncAttributes::localSizeBytes
int hipFuncAttributes::maxDynamicSharedSizeBytes
int hipFuncAttributes::maxThreadsPerBlock
int hipFuncAttributes::numRegs
int hipFuncAttributes::preferredShmemCarveout
int hipFuncAttributes::ptxVersion
size_t hipFuncAttributes::sharedSizeBytes
uint32_t dim3::x
 x More...
uint32_t dim3::y
 y More...
uint32_t dim3::z
 z More...
void * hipLaunchParams::func
 Device function symbol. More...
dim3 hipLaunchParams::gridDim
 Grid dimentions. More...
dim3 hipLaunchParams::blockDim
 Block dimentions. More...
void ** hipLaunchParams::args
 Arguments. More...
size_t hipLaunchParams::sharedMem
 Shared memory. More...
hipStream_t hipLaunchParams::stream
 Stream identifier. More...
hipExternalMemoryHandleType hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::type
int   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::fd
void *   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle
const void *   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::name
struct {
   void *   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle
   const void *   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::name
}   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::win32
union {
   int   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::fd
   struct {
      void *   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle
      const void *   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::name
   }   hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::win32
unsigned long long hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::size
unsigned int hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::flags
unsigned long long hipExternalMemoryBufferDesc::offset
unsigned long long hipExternalMemoryBufferDesc::size
unsigned int hipExternalMemoryBufferDesc::flags
hipExternalSemaphoreHandleType hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::type
int   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::fd
void *   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle
const void *   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::name
struct {
   void *   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle
   const void *   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::name
}   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::win32
union {
   int   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::fd
   struct {
      void *   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle
      const void *   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::name
   }   hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::win32
unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::flags
unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::value
struct {
   unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::value
}   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::fence
unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::key
struct {
   unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::key
}   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::keyedMutex
unsigned int   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::reserved [12]
struct {
   struct {
      unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::value
   }   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::fence
   struct {
      unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::key
   }   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::keyedMutex
   unsigned int   hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::reserved [12]
unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::flags
unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::value
struct {
   unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::value
}   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::fence
unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::key
unsigned int   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::timeoutMs
struct {
   unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::key
   unsigned int   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::timeoutMs
}   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::keyedMutex
unsigned int   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::reserved [10]
struct {
   struct {
      unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::value
   }   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::fence
   struct {
      unsigned long long   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::key
      unsigned int   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::timeoutMs
   }   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::keyedMutex
   unsigned int   hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::reserved [10]
unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::flags
hipHostFn_t hipHostNodeParams::fn
void * hipHostNodeParams::userData
dim3 hipKernelNodeParams::blockDim
void ** hipKernelNodeParams::extra
void * hipKernelNodeParams::func
dim3 hipKernelNodeParams::gridDim
void ** hipKernelNodeParams::kernelParams
unsigned int hipKernelNodeParams::sharedMemBytes
void * hipMemsetParams::dst
unsigned int hipMemsetParams::elementSize
size_t hipMemsetParams::height
size_t hipMemsetParams::pitch
unsigned int hipMemsetParams::value
size_t hipMemsetParams::width

Detailed Description

Defines the HIP API. See the individual sections for more information.

Variable Documentation

◆ allocationFlags

unsigned hipPointerAttribute_t::allocationFlags

◆ arch

hipDeviceArch_t hipDeviceProp_t::arch

Architectural feature flags. New for HIP.

◆ args

void** hipLaunchParams::args


◆ asicRevision

int hipDeviceProp_t::asicRevision

Revision of the GPU in this device.

◆ binaryVersion

int hipFuncAttributes::binaryVersion

◆ blockDim [1/2]

dim3 hipLaunchParams::blockDim

Block dimentions.

◆ blockDim [2/2]

dim3 hipKernelNodeParams::blockDim

◆ cacheModeCA

int hipFuncAttributes::cacheModeCA

◆ canMapHostMemory

int hipDeviceProp_t::canMapHostMemory

Check whether HIP can map host memory.

◆ clockInstructionRate

int hipDeviceProp_t::clockInstructionRate

Frequency in khz of the timer used by the device-side "clock*" instructions. New for HIP.

◆ clockRate

int hipDeviceProp_t::clockRate

Max clock frequency of the multiProcessors in khz.

◆ computeMode

int hipDeviceProp_t::computeMode

Compute mode.

◆ concurrentKernels

int hipDeviceProp_t::concurrentKernels

Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently.

◆ concurrentManagedAccess

int hipDeviceProp_t::concurrentManagedAccess

Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with the CPU.

◆ constSizeBytes

size_t hipFuncAttributes::constSizeBytes

◆ cooperativeLaunch

int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeLaunch

HIP device supports cooperative launch.

◆ cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch

int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch

HIP device supports cooperative launch on multiple devices.

◆ cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim

int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedBlockDim

HIP device supports cooperative launch on multiple devices with unmatched block dimensions

◆ cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc

int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedFunc

HIP device supports cooperative launch on multiple devices with unmatched functions

◆ cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim

int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedGridDim

HIP device supports cooperative launch on multiple devices with unmatched grid dimensions

◆ cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem

int hipDeviceProp_t::cooperativeMultiDeviceUnmatchedSharedMem

HIP device supports cooperative launch on multiple devices with unmatched shared memories

◆ device

int hipPointerAttribute_t::device

◆ devicePointer

void* hipPointerAttribute_t::devicePointer

◆ directManagedMemAccessFromHost

int hipDeviceProp_t::directManagedMemAccessFromHost

Host can directly access managed memory on the device without migration.

◆ dst

void* hipMemsetParams::dst

◆ ECCEnabled

int hipDeviceProp_t::ECCEnabled

Device has ECC support enabled.

◆ elementSize

unsigned int hipMemsetParams::elementSize

◆ extra

void** hipKernelNodeParams::extra

◆ fd [1/4]

int hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::fd

◆  [2/4]

int { ... } ::fd

◆ fd [3/4]

int hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::fd

◆  [4/4]

int { ... } ::fd

◆  [1/4]

struct { ... } hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::fence

◆  [2/4]

struct { ... } ::fence

◆  [3/4]

struct { ... } hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::fence

◆  [4/4]

struct { ... } ::fence

◆ flags [1/5]

unsigned int hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::flags

◆ flags [2/5]

unsigned int hipExternalMemoryBufferDesc::flags

◆ flags [3/5]

unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::flags

◆ flags [4/5]

unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::flags

◆ flags [5/5]

unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::flags

◆ fn

hipHostFn_t hipHostNodeParams::fn

◆ func [1/2]

void* hipLaunchParams::func

Device function symbol.

◆ func [2/2]

void* hipKernelNodeParams::func

◆ gcnArch

int hipDeviceProp_t::gcnArch

DEPRECATED: use gcnArchName instead.

◆ gcnArchName

char hipDeviceProp_t::gcnArchName[256]

AMD GCN Arch Name.

◆ gridDim [1/2]

dim3 hipLaunchParams::gridDim

Grid dimentions.

◆ gridDim [2/2]

dim3 hipKernelNodeParams::gridDim

◆ handle [1/6]

void* hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle

◆  [2/6]

void* { ... } ::handle

◆  [3/6]

union { ... } hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle

◆ handle [4/6]

void* hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle

◆  [5/6]

void* { ... } ::handle

◆  [6/6]

union { ... } hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle

◆ has3dGrid

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::has3dGrid

Grid and group dims are 3D (rather than 2D).

◆ hasDoubles

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasDoubles

Double-precision floating point.

◆ hasDynamicParallelism

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasDynamicParallelism

Dynamic parallelism.

◆ hasFloatAtomicAdd

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasFloatAtomicAdd

32-bit float atomic add in global and shared memory.

◆ hasFunnelShift

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasFunnelShift

Funnel two words into one with shift&mask caps.

◆ hasGlobalFloatAtomicExch

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasGlobalFloatAtomicExch

32-bit float atomic exch for global memory.

◆ hasGlobalInt32Atomics

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasGlobalInt32Atomics

32-bit integer atomics for global memory.

◆ hasGlobalInt64Atomics

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasGlobalInt64Atomics

64-bit integer atomics for global memory.

◆ hasSharedFloatAtomicExch

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSharedFloatAtomicExch

32-bit float atomic exch for shared memory.

◆ hasSharedInt32Atomics

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSharedInt32Atomics

32-bit integer atomics for shared memory.

◆ hasSharedInt64Atomics

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSharedInt64Atomics

64-bit integer atomics for shared memory.

◆ hasSurfaceFuncs

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSurfaceFuncs

Surface functions.

◆ hasSyncThreadsExt

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasSyncThreadsExt

__syncthreads_count, syncthreads_and, syncthreads_or.

◆ hasThreadFenceSystem

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasThreadFenceSystem


◆ hasWarpBallot

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasWarpBallot

Warp ballot instructions (__ballot).

◆ hasWarpShuffle

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasWarpShuffle

Warp shuffle operations. (__shfl_*).

◆ hasWarpVote

unsigned hipDeviceArch_t::hasWarpVote

Warp vote instructions (__any, __all).

◆ hdpMemFlushCntl

unsigned int* hipDeviceProp_t::hdpMemFlushCntl


◆ hdpRegFlushCntl

unsigned int* hipDeviceProp_t::hdpRegFlushCntl


◆ height

size_t hipMemsetParams::height

◆ hipErrorAlreadyAcquired

hipErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210

◆ hipErrorAlreadyMapped

hipErrorAlreadyMapped = 208

◆ hipErrorArrayIsMapped

hipErrorArrayIsMapped = 207

◆ hipErrorAssert

hipErrorAssert = 710

Produced when the kernel calls assert.

◆ hipErrorCapturedEvent

hipErrorCapturedEvent = 907

The operation is not permitted on an event which was last recorded in a capturing stream.

◆ hipErrorContextAlreadyCurrent

hipErrorContextAlreadyCurrent = 202

◆ hipErrorContextAlreadyInUse

hipErrorContextAlreadyInUse = 216

◆ hipErrorContextIsDestroyed

hipErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709

◆ hipErrorCooperativeLaunchTooLarge

Initial value:

This error indicates that the number of blocks launched per grid for a kernel that was launched via cooperative launch APIs exceeds the maximum number of allowed blocks for the current device

◆ hipErrorDeinitialized

hipErrorDeinitialized = 4

◆ hipErrorECCNotCorrectable

hipErrorECCNotCorrectable = 214

◆ hipErrorFileNotFound

hipErrorFileNotFound = 301

◆ hipErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure

hipErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure = 910

This error indicates that the graph update not performed because it included changes which violated constraintsspecific to instantiated graph update.

◆ hipErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered

Initial value:

Produced when trying to lock a page-locked memory.

◆ hipErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered

Initial value:

Produced when trying to unlock a non-page-locked memory.

◆ hipErrorIllegalAddress

hipErrorIllegalAddress = 700

◆ hipErrorIllegalState

hipErrorIllegalState = 401

Resource required is not in a valid state to perform operation.

◆ hipErrorInitializationError

hipErrorInitializationError = 3

◆ hipErrorInsufficientDriver

hipErrorInsufficientDriver = 35

◆ hipErrorInvalidConfiguration

hipErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9

◆ hipErrorInvalidContext

hipErrorInvalidContext = 201

Produced when input context is invalid.

◆ hipErrorInvalidDevice

hipErrorInvalidDevice = 101

DeviceID must be in range 0...#compute-devices.

◆ hipErrorInvalidDeviceFunction

hipErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98

◆ hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer

hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17

Invalid Device Pointer.

◆ hipErrorInvalidGraphicsContext

hipErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219

◆ hipErrorInvalidHandle

hipErrorInvalidHandle = 400

◆ hipErrorInvalidImage

hipErrorInvalidImage = 200

◆ hipErrorInvalidKernelFile

hipErrorInvalidKernelFile = 218


◆ hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

hipErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21

Invalid memory copy direction.

◆ hipErrorInvalidPitchValue

hipErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12

◆ hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle

hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400

Resource handle (hipEvent_t or hipStream_t) invalid.

◆ hipErrorInvalidSource

hipErrorInvalidSource = 300

◆ hipErrorInvalidSymbol

hipErrorInvalidSymbol = 13

◆ hipErrorInvalidValue

hipErrorInvalidValue = 1

One or more of the parameters passed to the API call is NULL or not in an acceptable range.

◆ hipErrorLaunchFailure

Initial value:

An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel.

◆ hipErrorLaunchOutOfResources

hipErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701

Out of resources error.

◆ hipErrorLaunchTimeOut

hipErrorLaunchTimeOut = 702

◆ hipErrorMapBufferObjectFailed

hipErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205

Produced when the IPC memory attach failed from ROCr.

◆ hipErrorMapFailed

hipErrorMapFailed = 205

◆ hipErrorMemoryAllocation

hipErrorMemoryAllocation = 2

Memory allocation error.

◆ hipErrorMissingConfiguration

hipErrorMissingConfiguration = 52

◆ hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu

hipErrorNoBinaryForGpu = 209

◆ hipErrorNoDevice

hipErrorNoDevice = 100

Call to hipGetDeviceCount returned 0 devices.

◆ hipErrorNotFound

hipErrorNotFound = 500

◆ hipErrorNotInitialized

hipErrorNotInitialized = 3

◆ hipErrorNotMapped

hipErrorNotMapped = 211

◆ hipErrorNotMappedAsArray

hipErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212

◆ hipErrorNotMappedAsPointer

hipErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213

◆ hipErrorNotReady

hipErrorNotReady = 600

Indicates that asynchronous operations enqueued earlier are not ready. This is not actually an error, but is used to distinguish from hipSuccess (which indicates completion). APIs that return this error include hipEventQuery and hipStreamQuery.

◆ hipErrorNotSupported

hipErrorNotSupported = 801

Produced when the hip API is not supported/implemented.

◆ hipErrorOperatingSystem

hipErrorOperatingSystem = 304

◆ hipErrorOutOfMemory

hipErrorOutOfMemory = 2

◆ hipErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled

Initial value:

Peer access was already enabled from the current device.

◆ hipErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled

Initial value:

Peer access was never enabled from the current device.

◆ hipErrorPeerAccessUnsupported

hipErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217

◆ hipErrorPriorLaunchFailure

hipErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53

◆ hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted

hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7

◆ hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped

hipErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8

◆ hipErrorProfilerDisabled

hipErrorProfilerDisabled = 5

◆ hipErrorProfilerNotInitialized

hipErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6

◆ hipErrorRuntimeMemory

hipErrorRuntimeMemory = 1052

HSA runtime memory call returned error. Typically not seen in production systems.

◆ hipErrorRuntimeOther

hipErrorRuntimeOther = 1053

HSA runtime call other than memory returned error. Typically not seen in production systems.

◆ hipErrorSetOnActiveProcess

hipErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708

◆ hipErrorSharedObjectInitFailed

hipErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303

◆ hipErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound

hipErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302

◆ hipErrorStreamCaptureImplicit

hipErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906

The operation would have resulted in a disallowed implicit dependency on a current capture sequence from hipStreamLegacy.

◆ hipErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated

hipErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901

The current capture sequence on the stream has been invalidated due to a previous error.

◆ hipErrorStreamCaptureIsolation

hipErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905

A dependency would have been created which crosses the capture sequence boundary. Only implicit in-stream ordering dependencies are allowed to cross the boundary

◆ hipErrorStreamCaptureMerge

hipErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902

The operation would have resulted in a merge of two independent capture sequences.

◆ hipErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined

hipErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904

The capture sequence contains a fork that was not joined to the primary stream.

◆ hipErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched

hipErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903

The capture was not initiated in this stream.

◆ hipErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported

hipErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900

The operation is not permitted when the stream is capturing.

◆ hipErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread

hipErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908

A stream capture sequence not initiated with the hipStreamCaptureModeRelaxed argument to hipStreamBeginCapture was passed to hipStreamEndCapture in a different thread.

◆ hipErrorUnknown

hipErrorUnknown = 999

◆ hipErrorUnmapFailed

hipErrorUnmapFailed = 206

◆ hipErrorUnsupportedLimit

hipErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215

◆ hipSuccess

hipSuccess = 0

Successful completion.

◆ hostPointer

void* hipPointerAttribute_t::hostPointer

◆ integrated

int hipDeviceProp_t::integrated

APU vs dGPU.

◆ isLargeBar

int hipDeviceProp_t::isLargeBar

1: if it is a large PCI bar device, else 0

◆ isManaged

int hipPointerAttribute_t::isManaged

◆ isMultiGpuBoard

int hipDeviceProp_t::isMultiGpuBoard

1 if device is on a multi-GPU board, 0 if not.

◆ kernelExecTimeoutEnabled

int hipDeviceProp_t::kernelExecTimeoutEnabled

Run time limit for kernels executed on the device.

◆ kernelParams

void** hipKernelNodeParams::kernelParams

◆ key [1/4]

unsigned long long hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::key

◆  [2/4]

unsigned { ... } ::key

◆  [3/4]

unsigned { ... } ::key

◆ key [4/4]

unsigned long long hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::key

◆  [1/4]

struct { ... } hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::keyedMutex

◆  [2/4]

struct { ... } ::keyedMutex

◆  [3/4]

struct { ... } hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::keyedMutex

◆  [4/4]

struct { ... } ::keyedMutex

◆ l2CacheSize

int hipDeviceProp_t::l2CacheSize

L2 cache size.

◆ localSizeBytes

size_t hipFuncAttributes::localSizeBytes

◆ major

int hipDeviceProp_t::major

Major compute capability. On HCC, this is an approximation and features may differ from CUDA CC. See the arch feature flags for portable ways to query feature caps.

◆ managedMemory

int hipDeviceProp_t::managedMemory

Device supports allocating managed memory on this system.

◆ maxDynamicSharedSizeBytes

int hipFuncAttributes::maxDynamicSharedSizeBytes

◆ maxGridSize

int hipDeviceProp_t::maxGridSize[3]

Max grid dimensions (XYZ).

◆ maxSharedMemoryPerMultiProcessor

size_t hipDeviceProp_t::maxSharedMemoryPerMultiProcessor

Maximum Shared Memory Per Multiprocessor.

◆ maxTexture1D

int hipDeviceProp_t::maxTexture1D

Maximum number of elements in 1D images.

◆ maxTexture1DLinear

int hipDeviceProp_t::maxTexture1DLinear

Maximum size for 1D textures bound to linear memory.

◆ maxTexture2D

int hipDeviceProp_t::maxTexture2D[2]

Maximum dimensions (width, height) of 2D images, in image elements.

◆ maxTexture3D

int hipDeviceProp_t::maxTexture3D[3]

Maximum dimensions (width, height, depth) of 3D images, in image elements.

◆ maxThreadsDim

int hipDeviceProp_t::maxThreadsDim[3]

Max number of threads in each dimension (XYZ) of a block.

◆ maxThreadsPerBlock [1/2]

int hipDeviceProp_t::maxThreadsPerBlock

Max work items per work group or workgroup max size.

◆ maxThreadsPerBlock [2/2]

int hipFuncAttributes::maxThreadsPerBlock

◆ maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor

int hipDeviceProp_t::maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor

Maximum resident threads per multi-processor.

◆ memoryBusWidth

int hipDeviceProp_t::memoryBusWidth

Global memory bus width in bits.

◆ memoryClockRate

int hipDeviceProp_t::memoryClockRate

Max global memory clock frequency in khz.

◆ memoryType

enum hipMemoryType hipPointerAttribute_t::memoryType

◆ memPitch

size_t hipDeviceProp_t::memPitch

Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies.

◆ minor

int hipDeviceProp_t::minor

Minor compute capability. On HCC, this is an approximation and features may differ from CUDA CC. See the arch feature flags for portable ways to query feature caps.

◆ multiProcessorCount

int hipDeviceProp_t::multiProcessorCount

Number of multi-processors (compute units).

◆ name [1/5]

char hipDeviceProp_t::name[256]

Device name.

◆ name [2/5]

const void* hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::name

◆  [3/5]

const { ... } ::name

◆ name [4/5]

const void* hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::name

◆  [5/5]

const { ... } ::name

◆ numRegs

int hipFuncAttributes::numRegs

◆ offset

unsigned long long hipExternalMemoryBufferDesc::offset

◆ pageableMemoryAccess

int hipDeviceProp_t::pageableMemoryAccess

Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory without calling hipHostRegister on it

◆ pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables

int hipDeviceProp_t::pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables

Device accesses pageable memory via the host's page tables.

◆  [1/2]

struct { ... } hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params

◆  [2/2]

struct { ... } hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::params

◆ pciBusID

int hipDeviceProp_t::pciBusID


◆ pciDeviceID

int hipDeviceProp_t::pciDeviceID

PCI Device ID.

◆ pciDomainID

int hipDeviceProp_t::pciDomainID

PCI Domain ID.

◆ pitch

size_t hipMemsetParams::pitch

◆ preferredShmemCarveout

int hipFuncAttributes::preferredShmemCarveout

◆ ptxVersion

int hipFuncAttributes::ptxVersion

◆ regsPerBlock

int hipDeviceProp_t::regsPerBlock

Registers per block.

◆  [1/6]

unsigned { ... } ::reserved[10]

◆ reserved [2/6]

unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::reserved

◆  [3/6]

unsigned { ... } ::reserved[12]

◆ reserved [4/6]

unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::reserved

◆ reserved [5/6]

char hipIpcMemHandle_t::reserved[HIP_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE]

◆ reserved [6/6]

char hipIpcEventHandle_t::reserved[HIP_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE]

◆ sharedMem

size_t hipLaunchParams::sharedMem

Shared memory.

◆ sharedMemBytes

unsigned int hipKernelNodeParams::sharedMemBytes

◆ sharedMemPerBlock

size_t hipDeviceProp_t::sharedMemPerBlock

Size of shared memory region (in bytes).

◆ sharedSizeBytes

size_t hipFuncAttributes::sharedSizeBytes

◆ size [1/2]

unsigned long long hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::size

◆ size [2/2]

unsigned long long hipExternalMemoryBufferDesc::size

◆ stream

hipStream_t hipLaunchParams::stream

Stream identifier.

◆ tccDriver

int hipDeviceProp_t::tccDriver

1:If device is Tesla device using TCC driver, else 0

◆ textureAlignment

size_t hipDeviceProp_t::textureAlignment

Alignment requirement for textures.

◆ texturePitchAlignment

size_t hipDeviceProp_t::texturePitchAlignment

Pitch alignment requirement for texture references bound to pitched memory.

◆  [1/2]

unsigned { ... } ::timeoutMs

◆ timeoutMs [2/2]

unsigned int hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::timeoutMs

◆ totalConstMem

size_t hipDeviceProp_t::totalConstMem

Size of shared memory region (in bytes).

◆ totalGlobalMem

size_t hipDeviceProp_t::totalGlobalMem

Size of global memory region (in bytes).

◆ type [1/2]

hipExternalMemoryHandleType hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::type

◆ type [2/2]

hipExternalSemaphoreHandleType hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::type

◆ userData

void* hipHostNodeParams::userData

◆ value [1/5]

unsigned long long hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::value

◆  [2/5]

unsigned { ... } ::value

◆  [3/5]

unsigned { ... } ::value

◆ value [4/5]

unsigned long long hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::value

◆ value [5/5]

unsigned int hipMemsetParams::value

◆ warpSize

int hipDeviceProp_t::warpSize

Warp size.

◆ width

size_t hipMemsetParams::width

◆  [1/4]

struct { ... } hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc::win32

◆  [2/4]

struct { ... } ::win32

◆  [3/4]

struct { ... } ::win32

◆  [4/4]

struct { ... } hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::win32

◆ x

uint32_t dim3::x


◆ y

uint32_t dim3::y


◆ z

uint32_t dim3::z
