HIP compilers#

ROCm provides the compiler driver hipcc, that can be used on AMD ROCm and NVIDIA CUDA platforms.

On ROCm, hipcc takes care of the following:

  • Setting the default library and include paths for HIP

  • Setting some environment variables

  • Invoking the appropriate compiler - amdclang++

On NVIDIA CUDA platform, hipcc takes care of invoking compiler nvcc. amdclang++ is based on the clang++ compiler. For more details, see the llvm project.


Common Compiler Options#

The following table shows the most common compiler options supported by hipcc.




Generate relocatable device code, which allows kernels or device functions to call device functions in different translation units.


Equivalent to -g plus tuning for GDB. This is recommended when using ROCm’s GDB to debug GPU code.


Generate code to support up to the specified number of threads per block.


Generate code for the given GPU target. For a full list of supported compilation targets see the processor names in AMDGPU’s llvm documentation. This option can appear multiple times to generate a fat binary for multiple targets. The actual support of the platform’s runtime may differ.


Save the compiler generated intermediate files.


Show the compilation steps.


hipcc adds the necessary libraries for HIP as well as for the accelerator compiler (nvcc or amdclang++). We recommend linking with hipcc since it automatically links the binary to the necessary HIP runtime libraries.

Linking Code With Other Compilers#

nvcc by default uses g++ to generate the host code.

amdclang++ generates both device and host code. The code uses the same API as gcc, which allows code generated by different gcc-compatible compilers to be linked together. For example, code compiled using amdclang++ can link with code compiled using compilers such as gcc, icc and clang. Take care to ensure all compilers use the same standard C++ header and library formats.

libc++ and libstdc++#

hipcc links to libstdc++ by default. This provides better compatibility between g++ and HIP.

In order to link to libc++, pass --stdlib=libc++ to hipcc. Generally, libc++ provides a broader set of C++ features while libstdc++ is the standard for more compilers, notably including g++.

When cross-linking C++ code, any C++ functions that use types from the C++ standard library, such as std::string, std::vector and other containers, must use the same standard-library implementation. This includes cross-linking between amdclang++ and other compilers.

HIP compilation workflow#

HIP provides a flexible compilation workflow that supports both offline compilation and runtime or just-in-time (JIT) compilation. Each approach has advantages depending on the use case, target architecture, and performance needs.

The offline compilation is ideal for production environments, where the performance is critical and the target GPU architecture is known in advance.

The runtime compilation is useful in development environments or when distributing software that must run on a wide range of hardware without the knowledge of the GPU in advance. It provides flexibility at the cost of some performance overhead.

Offline compilation#

The HIP code compilation is performed in two stages: host and device code compilation stage.

  • Device-code compilation stage: The compiled device code is embedded into the host object file. Depending on the platform, the device code can be compiled into assembly or binary. nvcc and amdclang++ target different architectures and use different code object formats. nvcc uses the binary cubin or the assembly PTX files, while the amdclang++ path is the binary hsaco format. On CUDA platforms, the driver compiles the PTX files to executable code during runtime.

  • Host-code compilation stage: On the host side, hipcc or amdclang++ can compile the host code in one step without other C++ compilers. On the other hand, nvcc only replaces the <<<...>>> kernel launch syntax with the appropriate CUDA runtime function call and the modified host code is passed to the default host compiler.

For an example on how to compile HIP from the command line, see SAXPY tutorial .

Runtime compilation#

HIP allows you to compile kernels at runtime using the hiprtc* API. Kernels are stored as a text string, which is passed to HIPRTC alongside options to guide the compilation.

For more details, see HIP runtime compiler.

Static libraries#

hipcc supports generating two types of static libraries.

  • The first type of static library only exports and launches host functions within the same library and not the device functions. This library type offers the ability to link with a non-hipcc compiler such as gcc. Additionally, this library type contains host objects with device code embedded as fat binaries. This library type is generated using the flag --emit-static-lib:

    hipcc hipOptLibrary.cpp --emit-static-lib -fPIC -o libHipOptLibrary.a
    gcc test.cpp -L. -lhipOptLibrary -L/path/to/hip/lib -lamdhip64 -o test.out
  • The second type of static library exports device functions to be linked by other code objects by using hipcc as the linker. This library type contains relocatable device objects and is generated using ar:

    hipcc hipDevice.cpp -c -fgpu-rdc -o hipDevice.o
    ar rcsD libHipDevice.a hipDevice.o
    hipcc libHipDevice.a test.cpp -fgpu-rdc -o test.out

A full example for this can be found in the ROCm-examples, see the examples for static host libraries or static device libraries.